Friday, September 19, 2014



Well Hello There, lovely peoples.

You heard me! That's right!

After one month, JacksGap has uploaded a new video!

Jack in this video is introducing a new series called "Following Heart." 

A short film series exploring passion and technology.


Jack has dealt with putting on short documentaries online such as "The Rickshaw Run." Which was a four part documentary showing their journey across India on these three little Rickshaws.

But, this three part documentary series Jack states, 'it's something they've never done before.'

This is about three women Jack talked to on Skype by the help of a researcher Jack called up, seeing their journey. Seeing and meeting them in real life than on the computer screen on a Skype call. 

I feel as if these videos might bring tears to my eyes as if they've never did before. Which they did, like have you seen 'A Film For Ella'?? (If you don't know who Ella is, she's the girl doing a cartwheel on Jack's background and just see the video. You'll understand a lot from it.) I was basically dehydrated at that point.

I honest cannot wait for the series as I've said million times just today, I feel as if these boys are changing the views of online video each second of every video.

And yet again, Here's to another video! 

Okay! I think that's pretty much it! I'll you guys soon!



Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Social Medias of The Twins, Myself and some you should follow.


So, yes. I know it's been a while since I've been here and I am completely sorry about that.
School's just messing me up.

So... Social Medias. 

(The ones that they've shared with us. Not their personal Facebook accounts or anything of the matter. That is invading their privacy internet wise.)


Jack: @JackHarries
Finn: @FinnHarries 

JacksGap Twitter Page: @JacksGap

And... @JacksGapUpdates to keep with the twins! 

*Cough Cough* My twitter: @keidyomaris *Cough*



Jack: JacksGap

Finn: FinnHarries

(Not theirs but, ones you should follow.)



My tumblr: h-is-for-harries (And a lot more blogs where that came from.)


We are Native.


Of course, JacksGap

and their secret, not-so-secret channel, Native.
(Pssstt, And the vimeo for it as well.)


JacksGap Facebook Page 



JacksGapSounds.  (For Shed Sessions, the JacksGap Playlist and other things they have in mind.)


Jack: @JackHarries

Finn: @FinnHarries

And YouTube Channel Page: @JacksGap

(Some you should follow.)

@jacksgap33, @_too_cheeky_for_you, @jacksgapsara, @jacksgapvids and a whole lot more where that came from as well.

 They also have vines and vimeos, but I'm too lazy to put them here.

So... Now that you know their links and where to clickity click, I guess everything is...


I guess I'll see you guys soon!

